Saturday, January 31, 2009

We've moved!!!!

Okay - we haven't literally move (that happens in 8 days!). However, our BLOG has moved!! We have a "new and improved" blog awaiting you! Just follow this link (and if you have our blog in your "favorites", be sure to change that to the new blog)

Friday, January 23, 2009

We Interrupt This Program...

Ok, so after the 2342356th email of " Where are the blogs??! Why aren't you blogging?! Are you guys ok?! Is life still worth living?!!!" ....I decided I should probably write this note and let everyone know what's going down here at the insanely busy world of Birdsong Photographicals.

As of a couple of weeks ago, a wonderful and amazingly talented super sweet individual who shall remain nameless *coughdancough* decided to help us revamp our blog. To be honest, I hate our current blog. It's nowhere near the level of cool I want it to be, and the closest thing I could find to what I wanted started out at over $2500.00. For a blog.

That's insane.

So our blog is currently undergoing a complete and total facelift. For that matter, so is our website. We're in heated discussions with bludomain to get our site to what we want it to be, and since they totally and completely rock, everything should be sorted out shortly.

It's actually driving me nutso, because every couple of days we're with an amazing new couple doing spazztic and crazy things that are so totally blog-worthy, and I've grown to detest this current blog so much, that I'm just saving it for the new one.

I will say that all of you that we've met over the last few weeks are awesome and have totally rocked our world. We appreciate you all more than we can say. This year is going to be more amazing than we could have ever hoped, thanks to all of you....our current and past couples. We are simply a couple of goobers with cameras that you allow into your world for a brief moment in time, and our business has grown by leaps and bounds from day one thanks to you.

So with all that said, fear not little campers; a new blog and website shall soon appear! It will be everything you've dreamed of, bring change and hope to those in need of blog-goodness, and quite possibly heal the embarrassing ailments you don't talk about. In the very least, there'll be some new pictures and some dorky stuff from yours truly :o)

See you soon,


Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's that time again.....

It's time again for another trip to Florida! This weekend we are headed to Ft. Walton Beach to take part in the Gulf Coast Bridal Faire ( on Sunday. If you live in or around Ft. Walton, come out and say HI! We also have a meeting with a bride while we're down there and not one, but TWO e-sessions (one there in Ft. Walton and one in St. Petersburg). Once again, a weekend that started out just being a trip to Florida for a bridal show has turned into 3 FULL days of work (though I'd hardly call it work) - and we wouldn't want it any other way!!!

OH, and did I mention that Saturday afternoon/evening we have a wedding in Tulsa that we are shooting. Shortly after the reception gets underway, Brett will take off to Florida (a 13 hour drive) to get there in time to set up for the show which starts at 1:00 PM Sunday afternoon. After the reception, my parents, the kidlets and myself will head to Florida. Yes, we are crazy! :o)

Other nifty news....our blog is undergoing a total renovation, and it needs it badly! One of our wonderful, awesome, and completely rad grooms is helping us out with that, actually. One of the best parts of the job is the people we meet and the friendships we form. I can say that some of our lifelong friends are couples who we met because we shot their wedding. Anyway - as for the blog, there is no release date yet (our wonderful groom/friend has a day job [or two] and we are in no huge rush) but what we've seen of it so far we LOVE it and can't wait to show it to you!!!! It's way beyond what we could do on our own!!!

I think that's about it for updates...for now! In short: wedding, 13 hour drive, wedding show, engagement session, meet with a bride, engagement session (part 2), 7 hour drive, engagement session, 18 hour drive home....all in 3 days!

Bring on the caffeine!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

First Show, Second Verse

First, to all who came by and said hello at our booth in Pensacola this past weekend, THANK YOU!! It was awesome to meet everyone, and the welcome and response was absolutely incredible.

We hope everyone's having a great new year so far! Ours started out in typical fashion; renting a Prius and embarking on a road trip. Except this was a bit different, as we took some..uh...interesting detours along the way. I think we hit every small and forgotten town in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama just trying to get to Florida. I have no idea what happened. I do know that at least three gas station attendants asked if I could squeal like a pig. It was seriously freaky.

We decided to take a detour on Saturday over to Fort Walton Beach, where we'll be for the Bridal Faire on the 18th, and ate at Fuddpuckers. Julie and I honeymooned there in March of '03, so we hit the beach again and got all kissy smoochy under the pier. And somehow that turned into me waist deep in the water picking up beer cans and slim jim wrappers in the water. That's right, a makeout session-turned-beach cleanup. Hot chick helping me save the environment. Holy cow...that'd make a really cool calendar!

The show was incredibly fun, as they usually are. Met a couple of great vendors, ate way too many cake samples, and passed out tons of chocolate to everyone that came by. Which was actually kind of ironic because directly across from our booth was a booth for a weight loss program. Brides would come by our booth, get a box of chocolates, then turn around and get handed a brochure on how to lose weight. That pretty much made us the devil, but we had chocolate. *muhahahahaha*

I made a twitter comment a couple of months ago to the effect of that particular time being the "calm before the storm", and I seriously had no idea how much of an understatement that was. Pretty much the entire road trip back from Florida, we were booking weddings on the phone. Add to that the engagement session, bridal portrait session and wedding this week and next, meetings with clients, and still trying to hit the gym and get rid of the holiday Birdonkadonk, and I'm pretty much in constant spazz mode. But oh what a fun spazz mode it is. We do get to hang with Dan and Cherrie again for part 2 of their engagement session in St. Petersburg in a couple of weeks, and that will be incredible amounts of fun! They're two really fun, beautiful people that make our jobs so stinking easy, we should feel bad. But we don't. how we roll. ;o)

And last but never least, a most sincere thank you to Harmony and Sunni for letting us crash their pad in Pensacola. We had plans to stay in a hotel, but were then threatened in kind and loving ways unless we stayed with them, so that ended that conversation. Long live great friendships, good wine, rambling conversations into the wee hours of the morning, and Bailey the wonder-dog.

We seriously have the most awesome clients any photographer could ever ask for.

Here's to an insanely fun and productive year....

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

First and foremost, a very heartfelt and Merry Christmas to you from Julie and myself. All of you have made this a wonderfully unforgettable year, and we can only hope that we've been as big of a blessing to all of you as you have been to us.

I'm on cookie overload at the moment. All I remember is chocolate chip, frosted sugar cookies, snickerdoodles, M&M cookies, peanut butter with the Hershey Kiss in the middle, then finally some kind of snickerdoodle/white chocolate chip/chocolate chip/walnut/cranberry thing....and now Julie's in the kitchen making seven layer cookies. Or if you're from the nether-regions of Arkansas, Hello-Dolly's.

But all that aside, we wanted to post some of the e-session shots of Dan and Cherrie. They of course are the super sweet couple from St. Petersburg, FL whom we met last month for the first time. Though it was a relatively short session, we had entirely too much fun while working with them. That also was the night of the most incredible sunset I've ever seen over St. Petersburg.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Brett and Julie

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Thought this was cute. Though buying jewelry from JC Penny's sounds remotely like buying fine wine from Wal-Mart.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I Heart Canon

Further evidence that photographers are really, really sick people with too much time on their hands. And that Nikon sucks. :o)

Many thanks to the wonderul Becki Dickinson ( for spreading the wealth around.

Just read fast...